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1.A year later,with the nation‘s economy ________, Bush’s approval rating dropped below 40 percent.
A. in power
B. in trouble
C. in hand
D. in part
2.There is the appreciation of the salient historical truth ________ the aging of advanced societies has been a sudden change.
A. which
B. what
C. that
D. how
3.Robots differ from automatic machines ________ after completion of one specific task,they can be reprogrammed by a computer to do another one.
A. in case
B. in that
C. in which
D. in time
4.Basically,these attitudes amount to a belief ________ leisure can and should be put to good use.
A. which
B. that
C. what
D. how
5.The professor worked for 7 hours at a ________.
A. stretch
B. extend
C. expand
D. prolong
6.If an earthquake occurred,some of the one-storey houses ________.
A. might be left stand
B. might leave to be standing
C. might be left to stand
D. might be left standing
7.________, he had no time to rest.
A. As he was tired
B. If he was tired
C. Tired as he was
D. Now that he was tired
8.Since we have a focused subject, we should not talk ________.
A. at once
B. at hand
C. at intervals
D. at random
9.Why do you blame him for his poor judgment on the matter ______ he really needs is encouragement?
A. when that
B. since that
C. when what
D. now that
10.The doctors are ________ about the guidelines under which they can carry out euthanasia.
A. at a stretch
B. at a loss
C. at random
D. at length

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