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I. Word and Phrase Translation (20 points, 1 point each)
A. Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet.
1. entertainment industry2.data security
3. clinical trial4.intangible assets
5. World Health Organization6.two-way radia
7. ivory tower8.disadvantaged group
9. generic drug10.epidemiology
B. Translate the following words and phrases into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet.
11. 國計民生
13. 極端天氣
15. 高等教育
17. 桂林山水
19. 探月工程
12. 一帶一路
14. 共同富裕
16. 晴雨兩用衣
18. 中草藥
20. 海濱城市
I. Translation Revision(20 points, 2 points each)
A. Correct or improve the translation of the following English sentences. Write your revised versions on the Answer Sheet.
原文: Adelaide enjoys a Mediterranean climate.
21. 原文: There is something in what he said.
22. 原文: We've known about it for many decades now, but flu experts are still involved in a full-time race to keep up with the virus as it mutates.
23. 原文: Provided we choose the right kind of books, reading gives the highest kind of
24. 原文: The thick carpet killed the sound of my footsteps.
25. 原文: You might like to think that your memory captures an event with the accuracy of a
high-end digital camera.
譯文:你可能會想,你的記憶以高端數碼相機的準確性捕捉到了一件事。 改譯:
B. Correct or improve the translation of the following Chinese sentences. Write your revised versions on the Answer Sheet.
譯文: To write a preface to this collection of his essays gives me a great honor.
改譯: I find it a great honor to write a preface to this collection of his essays.
26. 原文:我們眼睛所看到的每一件事物,在某種程度上都是光所玩的把戲。
譯文: Everything our eye perceives is, in one way or another, all the games the light
27. 原文:利用廢舊塑料瓶為原料制作衣服需要經歷一個復雜的物理化學過程。
譯文: The use of waste plastic bottles as textile material to make clothes needs to
experience a complicated physical and chemical process.
28. 原文:世界各地都有人踢足球。
譯文: There are people playing football all over the world.
29. 原文:我出生在中國改革開放剛開始的那一年。
譯文: I was born in the year which China began its reform and opening-up. 改譯:
30. 原文:辭職前,你沒有理由拒絕去莫斯科出差。
譯文: Before your resignation, you have no reason refusing to make a business trip to
Ⅲ. Sentence Translation (20 points, 2 points each)
A. Translate the following underlined sentences into Chinese. Write your translation
on the Answer Sheet.
31. All weather is driven by energy,and the sun ultimately provides this energy. But the biggest change in Earth's energy budget by far over the past hundred years is due to the accumulation in our atmosphere of greenhouse gases.
32. A contrast is often made between business, which is competitive,and government, which is a monopoly. Because business is competitive, many Americans believe that it is more supportive of freedom than government, even though government leaders are elected by the people and business leaders are not.
33.If you have been sedentary and decide to start walking one mile a day, the added exercise could burn an extra 100 calories daily. In a year's time,assuming no increase in food intake,you could lose ten pounds. By increasing the distance of your walks gradually,
you may lose even more weight.
34. What could be better than getting paid to shop? But the point is—the shopping is for someone else. Busy people who lack fashion sense sometimes hire someone with fashion expertise to hit the stores for them and a personal shopper should have plenty of enthusiasm, energy and patience.
35. The east coast of Jutland in Denmark is indented with many inlets surrounded by woodland and fertile agricultural land. Most of the bigger islands are a constant green with good cultivatable land and towns and villages nestled close to one another
B. Translate the following underlined sentences into English. Write your translation on
the Answer Sheet.
36. 沒有盼頭的日子是蒼白不可想象的。 人,得天天有點什么盼頭,生活才不至于暗 淡。 有了盼頭,會覺得太陽每天都是新的。
37. 要培養(yǎng)信念,而不要助長恐懼。 信念是對值得相信的事物的理性信任。 是培養(yǎng)信念 還是讓恐懼主宰我們的生活,我們每天都要做出選擇。
38. 自古以來,夜空中美麗的銀河光帶,引發(fā)了人們無數的想象,許多詩句和神話也由 此傳出。 然而,古人對銀河的認識,并無科學依據。
39. 揚州瘦西湖是世界文化遺產、國家級風景名勝區(qū)。 揚州園林群在清朝時期就已形 成,它融南方之秀、北方之雄于一體。
40. 中國與聯合國長期以來一直保持著密切的合作。 此次培訓班的舉辦是中國與聯合國
IV.Passage Translation(40 points, 20 points each)
A. Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet.
One reason that The Miserables is popular with many people is its powerful themes. The title is fitting because the story deals primarily with the horrible lives of lower-class people in 19th-century France.
The struggle between Javert(沙威) and Valjean(冉 · 阿讓) represents the unfaimess of the criminal justice system at the time.Although Valjean served his time, he is forced to carry a yellow passport which identifies him as an ex-convict. As a result, he is unfairly judged and suspected anytime when a wrongdoing occurs. He has no choice but to lie about his identity in order to survive. Javert, on the other hand, symbolizes the law. He always strictly follows the law, and refuses to make any exceptions—even for minor violations. But at its conclusion, the novel leaves readers with a positive message, as Valjean seems to find justification for his life in all of the sacrifices he has made for Cosette(柯賽特).
B. Translate the following passage into English.Write your translation on the Answer
旅游手冊對于一個觀光城市來說至關重要,因為那是城市的名片,決定了潛在游客 的第一印象。對于初到北京的人來說,街頭以及書店里擺放的中外文旅游手冊,影響著 其閱讀北京的方式。這些旅游讀物應與北京這座歷史文化底蘊深厚的國際性大都市相匹 配。不要小看這些實用性讀物,此乃城市文化品位的標志。

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